

Effect of skin condition on the permeability of theophylline via rat skin
摘要 目的 考察不同皮肤组织对药物经皮吸收的影响。方法 选择茶碱 (TP)为模型药物 ,以体外Franz吸收池法 ,评价TP经完整皮肤和剥离角质层皮肤的体外透皮能力Kp ,以及吸收促进剂肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 (IPM)对Kp的影响。结果 TP经剥离角质层皮肤的Kp是经完整皮肤的 2 1倍 ,加入IPM后TP的Kp分别提高到原来的 8 9倍 (经完整皮肤 )和 15 1倍 (经剥离角质层皮肤 )。结论 IPM非常显著地增加TP经不同皮肤层的经皮吸收。本文也为皮肤病态条件 。 Aim To investigate the influence of skin layers ( st ratum corneum and viable layer) on the percutaneous absorption of drug with or w ithout isopropyl myristate (IPM). Methods We chose theophylline (TP ) as a model drug. Patches containing saturated concentration of TP were prepare d. The in vitrotransdermal permeation experiment via different rat skin lay ers was carried out. Results The Kp of TP via stripped skin was 2.1 times larger than that via intact skin. The permea bility was en hanced when coexisted with IPM either via intact skin or via stripped skin. Conclusion IPM can significantly enhance the percutaneous absorption of TP via different skin layers. And these data and methods represent a novel appr oach to evaluate the effects of skin damage and skin disease on drug percutaneou s absorption.
出处 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期1228-1231,共4页 Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin
关键词 剥离角质层 经皮吸收 茶碱 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 stratum corneum stripped skin in vitropercutaneous a bsorption theophylline isopropyl myristate
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