
山羊经济性状标记辅助选择的遗传效应分析 被引量:6

Genetic Effect of the Marker Assisted Selection on Economic Traits of Goats
摘要 以辽宁绒山羊、柴达木绒山羊和柴达木山羊3个群体共147只山羊为研究对象,运用PAGE和RAPD技术对山羊的体重、绒产量和绒细度3个性状进行了与标记基因关系的遗传分析,结果表明:EsD2 2型、LAPBB型和PA 32 2型分别为体重、绒产量和绒细度性状的优势标记基因型;可利用标记辅助预测的方法充分利用多基因座标记基因间的互作效应;在体重上,寻找到有显著选择效应的RAPD条带11个,在绒产量和绒细度上分别为9和6个;在多目标性状选择中,CY0818/A0型和OPW19/C1型为体重和绒产量的双重优势RAPD标记,CY0818/G1型为体重和绒细度的双重优势RAPD标记。 The genetic relationships between economic traits and genetic markers were studied in 147 goats including Chaidamu goat (CS), Chaidamu Cashmere goat (CRS) and Liaoning Cashmere goat (LRS) in Qinghai province, China. CRS was the population of CS×LRS crossbred. The results showed as follows: the selection reaction of these blood protein polymorphisic loci were great, such as EsD, LAP and P_(A-3); and EsD2-2, LAPBB and P_(A-3)2-2 were the superior marker genotypes on body weight,Cashmere yield and Cashmere fineness respectively by Least Square method. The interaction between marker genotypes at double loci was found frequently, and their ratio between interaction variance component and genetic variance was higher. With the method of marker assisted prediction( MAP), some interaction effect could be used effectively in the crossbreed population. On the aspect of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), the number of the superior RAPD marker bands were 11 on body weight trait, 9 and 6 RAPD marker bands on Cashmere yield and Cashmere fineness. For multi-goal traits,CY0818/A0 type and OPW19/C1 type were superior RAPD markers of body weight and Cashmere yield,CY0818/G1 type was superior one of body weight and Cashmere fineness.
出处 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期625-630,共6页 Hereditas(Beijing)
基金 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金和陕西省自然科学基金(2000SM05)~~
关键词 山羊 经济性状 标记辅助选择 遗传效应 goat economic traits marker assisted selection genetic effect
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