The ancient Chinese character luo appeared in the form of panchi, a dragon-like monstrous animal from the ancient Chinese folklore (which coil itself into a circular or a C shape). According to this, from many archeological articles in the Shang and Zhou Dynasty , we can find many portrait of luo and many ornamental jade designs of luo. Jade designed in the form of luo was always worn by its owner when he was alive, and berried with him after his death. Luo had magic power of turning misfortune into fortune, while the Chinese dragon had the feature of summoning wind and rain. Since the remote history, Chinese dragon differed greatly to luo in many aspects, it had four beasts's limbs, twisted and zigzagging snake-like body (always in a form of S or in the form of a bow), sharp falcon claws, etc. Since shell-piled Chinese dragon in Puyang was excavated in 1987, archeologists, In the recent years have discovered important erlics in the prehistoric period, in Hailong of Fuxin, pebbly dragon was also found in Jiaodun of Baihu, Huangmei. The recent new findings of dragon which were drawn in the ground in Erlonggang of Lushan developed from the tradition of praying for rain in the Shang Dynasty. It is a real example of the old tradition of building up dragon in the Shang Dynasty.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition