清代御医刘裕铎 ,医术高超 ,深得皇家信任 ,曾被雍正帝誉为“第一医官”。乾隆年间和吴谦共同担任《医宗金鉴》的总修官 ,为中医学发展做出了不朽的贡献。然而后世中医文献及正史对于刘裕铎的记载很少 ,但是在现存的清宫档案、奏折、上谕 ,甚至地方志中 ,却有很多记录。
Liu Yuduo was a royal physician with proficient medical techniques and was trusted by the royal family. He was praised as the “First medical officer” by Yongzheng emperor. With Wu Qian, he was the co-compiling officer of the Yi zong jin jian (Golden Mirror of Medicine) during the Qianlong reign and made immortal contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). There were scanty materials about Liu in TCM literature and orthodox history in later ages. However, much materials about him can be found in archives, memorials to the emperors. Emperors' instructions, or even local annals which provide much materials to the research of Liu Yuduo.
Chinese Journal of Medical History