1[1]W.Martin & L.A.Winters, The Uruguay Round: A Milestone for the Developing Countries, in W.Martin & L.A.Winters (eds.), The Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries, Cambridge, 1996,p.1.
2[2]J.Whalley, Special and Differential Treatment in the Millennium Round, in The World Economy, vol. 22(1999) , No. 8, pp. 1072~1073.
3[3]J.H.Jackson & A.O.Sykes (eds.) , Implementing the Uruguay Round, Clarendon Press, 1997, pp. 374 ~375.
4[4]supra note ⑤, pp. 420~422.
5[5]T.N.Srinivasan, Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trading System, Westview Press, 1998, p.24.
6[6]C.Michalopoulos, The Developing Countries in the WTO, in The World Economy, vol. 22 (1999) , No. 1,pp. 121~135.
7[7]A.Krueger, The Developing Countries and the Next Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiation, in The World Economy, vol. 22 (1999) , No. 7, p.912.