
共同方法偏差的统计检验与控制方法 被引量:3784

Statistical Remedies for Common Method Biases
摘要 共同方法偏差是心理学研究中一个越来越被关注的课题,但国内心理学界对其的介绍、研究还比较少,导致研究中对共同方法偏差的控制还有所欠缺。共同方法偏差的控制方法分为程序控制和统计控制,该文介绍了共同方法偏差的多种统计控制法,如因素分析法、偏相关法、潜在的误差变量控制法、结构方程模型法等,分析了其各自的优缺点,并提出了如何选择采用这些方法的建议。 The problem of common method biases has being given more and more attention in the field of psychology, but there is little research about it in China, and the effects of common method bias are not well controlled. Generally, there are two ways of controlling common method biases, procedural remedies and statistical remedies. In this paper, statistical remedies for common method biases are provided, such as factor analysis, partial correlation, latent method factor, structural equation model, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed separately. Finally, suggestions of how to choose these remedies are given.
作者 周浩 龙立荣
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期942-950,共9页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(项目号:70171046)。
关键词 共同方法偏差 统计控制法 心理学研究方法 common method biases, statistical remedies, psychological method.
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