目的 采用自行研制的人体倾角姿势图仪 ,评价平衡功能。方法 采用了倾角测量技术 ,通过球底平台使人体与地面形成点接触 ,由位于腰部的倾角传感器提取人体摇动角度信息 ,以 4种姿态进行测量 :(1)地面站立睁眼 ;(2 )地面站立闭眼 ;(3)球台站立睁眼 ;(4 )球台站立闭眼。结果 (1)对 10 0名正常人作正常值测定 ,不同状态下摇摆角速度为 :地面站立睁眼 (测试 1) (0 .5 7±0 .14 )d s ,地面站立闭眼 (测试 2 ) (0 .70± 0 .18)d s,球台站立睁眼 (1.16± 0 .32 )d s(测试 3) ,球台站立闭眼 (2 .6 7± 0 .70 )d s(测试 4 )。 (2 )对半规管麻痹的外周性眩晕患者 87例进行检测 ,摇摆角速度大于正常值 x +2s者 6 2人 (71.2 6 % )。眩晕发作 2周病人有 90 .90 %异常。摇摆角速度异常分别为地面站立睁眼异常 7人 ,地面闭眼异常 14人 ,球台睁眼异常 16人 ,球台闭眼异常为 5 6人。 (3)冷热水实验正常 33例眩晕病人中 ,异常 14例 ,地面睁眼异常 3人 ,地面闭眼 3人 ,球台睁眼 5人 ,球台闭眼异常为 14人。结论 倾角姿态图可以评价平衡功能。特别是闭眼球台检查 ,能有效反映前庭脊髓反射。倾角传感器和球台技术对平衡功能和前庭代偿有临床应用价值。
Objective To investigate the efficacy of posturography with inclinometer and platform with global bottom to make the subjects contact the ground almost at one point in the evaluation of body balance function. Methods The body balance function of 100 normal persons, 50 males and 50 females, aged 21~50, and 87 patients with peripheral vertigo due to semicircular canal palsy, aged 20~60, was measured with a new type of posturograph with inclinometer and platform with global bottom developed by the authors. The subjects with an inclination-sensor being fixed at the waist were asked to adopt four postures during the measurement: standing on the ground with eyes opened (test 1), standing on the ground with the eyes closed (test 2), standing on the platform with the eyes opened (test 3), and standing on the platform with the eyes closed (test 4). Results The measurement of the normal persons showed the average values of body sway angle velocity were 0.57±0.24 d/s in test 1, 0.70±0.18 d/s in test 2, 1.16±0.32 d/s in test 3, and 2.67±0.70 d/s in test 4. Sixty-two out of the 87 patients (71.26%)showed abnormality in one or more than one of the 4 tests with a value more than ±2s of the normal value, among them 7 showed abnormal value in test 1, 14 in test 2, 16 in test 16, and 56 in test 4.Two weeks after the onset of vertigo, 55 out of the 87 patients showed abnormal values by this examination. Conclusion Posturography with inclinometer and platform with global bottom is effective on evaluation of balance function, In particular, the test of standing on the platform with the eyes closed effectively reflects the vestibulospinal reflex.
National Medical Journal of China