目的 对中国东、中、西部三类不同经济水平地区计划免疫服务的成本进行测算分析。方法 运用卫生经济学成本核算的基本原理,选择东、中、西部三类地区,对省、地、县、乡、村五级计划免疫服务的实际成本进行测算。结果 贵州、黑龙江、浙江3省计划免疫服务人均成本分别是15.68、29.00、31.09元;针次成本分别是10.99、18.64、16.51元;每名儿童完成全部计划免疫疫苗的全程成本分别是131.88、242.32、280.67元。省、地、县、乡、村五级人员费用比例在成本项目中均居第一位,在48%~77%之间;业务费用居第二位或第三位,在6%~35%之间,基层单位业务费用比例明显偏低。结论 不同经济水平地区间成本差异较大;由于投入总量不足导致成本构成不合理;建议不同地区成本补偿实行分类指导的原则。
Objective The expanded programme on immunization (EPI) is an important part of the social commonwealth projects providing health care service by the government, which benefits communities. Government has the responsibility for EPI's financing which should be covered by the national budget. It is essential that the cost of EPI service be scientifically estimated to provide propriety information for policy makers. Methods This study, using the cost accounting theory of health economics, to calculate EPI service cost at different levels. 3 provinces,3 prefectures,9 counties, 18 towns and 12 villages were selected from three provinces Guizhou, Heilongjiang and Zhejiang from the western, central and eastern regions of the country. Results The average costs for one EPI-targeted child in Guizhou, Heilongjiang and Zhejiang, were 15.68 Yuan,29.00 Yuan and 31.09 Yuan,and the costs for one dose were 10.99 Yuan,18.64 Yuan and 16.51 Yuan, respectively. The costs for complete immunization program for one child were 131.88 Yuan,242.32 Yuan and 280.67 Yuan, respectively. The main factors affecting the cost would include the average personnel cost (salary and benefit cost) by different economic levels of areas, the number of EPI items developed,and the number of total doses for one child. Conclusion (1) Obvious differences were found between different areas. (2) The proportion of the cost was not reasonably set because of the shortage of input. (3) Guideline for different areas to compensate the working item cost according to the number of the items should be formulated.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology