目的 了解广州市城区 6~ 11岁男童问题发生情况 ,探讨儿童行为问题与家庭环境因素关系。 方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法 ,用Achenbach儿童行为量表、家庭环境量表 (中文版 ,以下简称FES -CV) ,对广州市 95 0名小学男生进行统一问卷调查。对儿童行为问题指标与家庭环境因素指标进行典型相关分析。 结果 家庭环境因子与行为问题因子两组变量存在相关关系 ,y6(知识性 )的得分越高、y3 (矛盾性 )的得分越低 ,则x7(多动 )、x8(攻击性 )、x2 (抑郁 )、x3 (交往不良 )的得分越低。y5(成功性 )、y2 (情感表达 )的得分越高、y9(组织性 )的得分越低 ,则x6(社交退缩 )、x3 (交往不良 )的得分越低 ,x1(分裂样 )的得分越高。 结论 改善家庭环境功能 。
Objective To learn the condition of boys' problems from 6 to 11 years old in Guangzhou;to discuss the relationship between problems of children's behavior and family environment.Methods Select Achenbach Children Behavior Checklist and Familv Environment Scales (Chinese version,abbr.FES-CV) to investigate 950 school-boys in Guangzhou by Cluster Sampling.Canonical Correlation Analysis is used to analyze the index of childre behavior prolems and the index of family environment factors. Results The factor of family environment are relative to the factors of behavicr problems.If y 6(intellectual-cultural orientation) gets more points,y 3(contradiction) Will get fewer points.As a result,x 7(Hyperactive),x 8(Aggressive Behavior),x 2 (depression) and x 3 (interpressonal relationship difficulties) Will get fewer points either .If y 5 (achievement) and y 2 (emotion exprssion) get higher marks,y 9 (organizing) will get lower marks.As a result,x 6 (social withdraval) and x 3 (interpersonal relationship difficulties) will get lower marks while x 1 (schizoconstitution) will get higher marks.Conclusion Improving the function of family environment can prevent and reduce the occurrence of school-boy's behavior problems.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor