目前,中国的葡萄酒市场潜力巨大,吸引着法国各葡萄酒企业,欲在这里施展拳脚。就在近日“2004中国国际名酒葡萄酒暨工艺技术博览会”上,一项名为“Clef du Vin”的专利在中国首次发布,本刊记者在会上对该项专利的发言人Jerome Poiret先生进行了专访。
Now you can enjoy every wine at its peak of drinking pleasure with scientific breakthrough product. Clef du Vin lets you assess the precise ageability of any wine. A patented metal alloy on the tip of Clef du Vin while dipping into wine replicates the key aspects of the natural aging process, so you could know the ideal moment to enjoy every wine at its peak. Developed and tested over 10 years by one of France leading scientists and wine industry consultants and a World Champion Sommelier, Clef du Vin has received wide acclaim throughout world.
China Food Industry