
China Brew & Beverage“一站式渠道”尽显魅力

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摘要 2004中国国际啤酒、饮料制造技术及设备展览会,简称中国国际啤酒、饮料技术展(China Brew & Beverage),将于9月6—10日在北京中国国际展览中心闪亮登场,该展会有着亚洲啤酒及饮料业首屈一指的贸易盛会之美誉,并被称作生产商采购新产品的“一站式渠道”。预计,为期五天的展览会将吸引逾50000业界人士到场参观交流。近500家中外顶尖生产商及供货商将在展览会上各展所长,与来自中国及亚洲地区的观众分享最新科研成果。 Asia's No. I specialist event, the International Brew & Beverage Processing Technology and Equipment Exhibition for China, or China Brew & Beverage for short, is scheduled to launch its 6th edition from September 6 to 10, 2004 at the China International Exhibition Centre, Beijing, China. Since its debut in 1995, China Brew & Beverage has been set to offer a convenient trading rendezvous for manufacturers, suppliers and operators of the brewing and beverage industries for trade liaison and information exchange. The biennial event has been excelling in every way to achieve this goal.
出处 《中国食品工业》 2004年第8期70-72,共3页 China Food Industry


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