糖尿病已成为家喻户晓 ,人人皆知的常见病。糖尿病是一个终身的疾病 ,患者必须依赖药物进行终身的治疗。中医学注重天人相应 ,患者更应该重视四季的调养来达到控制血糖的波动 ,更好的减轻患者本身对药物的长期依赖性 ,这对于“我国患糖尿病者绝对数已超过 2 0 0 0多万人”[1 ] 来说 ,显得尤为重要。本文从四季出发 ,分别论述不同季节糖尿病患者的不同调养方式来达到控制血糖 。
Summary:It can say that the diabetes mellitus as one of the familiar diseases is becoming wildly known.As the diabetics are concerned,they face an extremely painful stroke and the heavy burden,because the diabetes mellitus is a life\|time disease,which means that they must depend on the medicine to maintain their lives.Because traditional Chinese medicine learns to make a point of the nature and man con\|girl,the diabetics should pay more attention to take good care of themselves to attain to control the motion of the blood sugar so that they can get alleviatively themselves to the long\|term dependence of the medicine.That seems particular importance for our country that the number of diabetics absolutely has already exceeded 2000 thousand.The paper tries to discuss how the diabetics with satisfaction take care of themselves in distinguish seasons in order to attain to control the motion of the blood sugar and hopes that it can make a leading function for the diabetics.