
钱三强和早期中国原子能科学 被引量:5

Prof. Qian Sanqiang (Tsien San-Tsiang) and the Early Efforts in the Development of Atomic Energy Science in China
摘要 1946年夏 ,南京国民政府提出组建研制原子弹的国防研究机构和培训人员的计划 ,但该计划很快在美国的阻挠下搁浅了。 1 947年 ,北京大学校长胡适给国防部长白崇禧和参谋总长陈诚写信 ,建议国家拨款 ,集中钱三强等专家学者 ,在北京大学成立原子物理的研究中心 ,同样无果。 1 948年 ,清华大学筹划发展原子能科学 ,钱三强提议由清华、北大和北平研究院联合设立原子核物理研究中心 ,然而该计划又在美国大使馆的干预下夭折了。 1 949年 3月 ,新中国尚未成立之时 ,中共中央即批准钱三强提出的有关购买原子能研究仪器设备和图书资料的外汇要求 ,其“远见卓识和治国安邦之道 ,一举之中昭然天下 ,给人希望”。 In the summer of 1946, the Kuomintang government brought forward a plan on setting up a national defense institute to develop atomic weapon and training related personnel. But this plan was run aground very soon due to obstruction of US. In 1947, Prof Hu Shi, then the president of Peking University, wrote a letter to Bai Chongxi, the Minister of the Department of Defense, and Chen Cheng, the Chief of General Staff of the Kuomindang government, in which he suggested that the government should appropriate funds for building an atomic physics research center and invite experts like Prof. Qian Sanqiang to be engaged in the study of related fields. This effort failed again. In 1948, Tsinghua University planned and prepared to develop atomic energy science. Prof. Qian suggested that a nuclear research center should be set up jointly by Tsinghua University, Peking University and Beiping Research Institute. But this plan was also aborted because of the intervention of American Embassy in China. In March 1949, prior to the founding of the People's Republic, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved Prof. Qian Sanqiang's request for foreign exchange which was to be used for the purchase of instruments, devices and books for atomic energy research. This action 'demonstrated the foresight and sagacity (of the Communist Party of China), showed (its) determination to administer state affairs well and ensure national stability, which brought hope to the people.'
作者 葛能全
机构地区 中国工程院
出处 《中国科技史料》 CSCD 2004年第3期189-198,共10页 China Historical Materials of Science and Technology
关键词 钱三强 中国 原子能科学 北京大学 胡适 Qian Sanqiang (Tsien San-Tsiang), atomic energy science, the early stage of P.R. China
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