目的 :观察笑气吸入法镇痛分娩的临床效果。方法 :随机选取 2 5 3例在我院待产孕妇 ,遵循自愿原则分为镇痛组( 12 3例 )与非镇痛组 ( 130例 )。观察两组产程、产后出血、分娩方式、羊水性状、新生儿窒息等进行资料统计分析。结果 :两组第一产程、总产程比较 ,镇痛组明显短于对照组 ,P<0 .0 1,有显著性差异 ,第二、三产程 ,产后出血、剖宫产羊水性状两组比较无显著性差异 ,P>0 .0 5 ,新生儿窒息对照组多于镇痛组 ,但两组比较 P>0 .0 5 ,无显著性差异。结论 :笑气镇痛分娩是安全有效的 。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of analgesia labor with inhaling N 2O. Methods: 253 pregnant women selected randomly in this hospital were divided into analgesia labor group (123 cases) and non-analgesia labor group (130 cases). Delivery course, postpartum hemorrhage, delivery way, amniotic fluid character and newborn's asphyxia of two groups were analyzed statistically.Results: The first delivery course and total course of analgesia labor group were shorter than that of control group ( P <0.01). The second and third course, postpartum hemorrhage, amniotic fluid character have not significant difference between two groups ( P >0.05). Newborn's asphyxia in control group was more than that in analgesia labor group, but there were not significant difference between two groups ( P >0.05). Conclusion: Analgesia labor with inhaling N 2O is a safe and effective method worth popularization and application.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China