2004年4月29日上午,在国务院新闻办举办的记者招待会上,国家安全生产监督管理局副局长孙华山向记者介绍了今年一季度全国安全生产情况 及下一步工作重点。
On April29,2004,deputy director general of the State Administration of Work Safety introduced to the press circle the work safety situation through- out the country in the first quarter.According to Mr.Sun,the overall situa- tion of accomplishment of work safety control indexes in the first quarter was relatively good.The number of casualty accidents and extremely se- rious accidents decreased.The work safety situation of industrial mining and commercial enterprises make a turn for better.Part of industries en- joyed stable work safety situation and some regions were in a relatively more stable work safety situation.
Modern Occupational Safety