在光纤高速传输技术、光交换与智能光网等与宽带接入、多媒体、3G等网络应用技术的推动下 ,建设基于IPv6协议的IP基础电信网成为可能。现在IP网正在朝着有序的、可管理的、有QoS保障的、可以支持各类业务的综合业务基础网演进。电信网也正在从网络接入层上、从长途网络层面上、从本地网络层面上、从固定网向含3G在内的移动网络等方面向支持IP技术及其综合业务的方面全面推进。
At the promotion of FTTX high-speed transmit technology,light exchange and intelligent light network etc.,as well as with the applying technology of broad-band,multimedia and 3G network etc.,it becomes possible to build IP Tele-Communication networks based on IPv6 protocol.Now the IP network is being developed towards the direction of ordered,manageable,QoS guaranteed and it may well support all kinds of integrated operation networks.Also the Tele-Communication network is being developed in all respects,such as the network connecting;the long-distance network;local networks;the stable networks towards 3G technology mobile networks;IP integrated networks.
Shanxi Electronic Technology