目的 :探讨排粪造影 (defecography)对直肠、肛管周围脓肿及瘘管的诊断价值。方法 :对两组共 93例疑有肛管直肠周围脓肿和瘘管或仅因便秘就诊的患者进行排粪造影或选择性排粪造影检查。结果 :其中 5 6例直肠肛管周围脓肿、瘘管显影 ,两组选择性排粪造影显示率分别为 90 .9% (2 0 / 2 2 )和 4 2 .6 % (2 6 / 6 1)。结论 :用稀钡悬液做选择性排粪造影为诊断肛直肠周围脓肿、瘘管提供了一个功能与形态相结合的新方法。
Objective:To evaluate the accuracy of defecography in developing the abscess and fistula around anus and recta.Methods:Selective defecography was done in 93 patients divided into 2 groups who were diagnosed suspected abscess and fistula around anus and recta or examined for constipation.Results:56 in 93 patients were developed definitely .The developing rate of two groups is respectively 90.9% and 42.6%.Conclusion:It provides a new method which united morphology and function to diagnose abscess and fistula around Anus and restum with selective defecography by using diluent barium suspending liquid.
Journal of Coloproctological Surgery