2Jurgen Herbst. From Crisis to Crisis: American CollegeGovernment, 1636-1819[M]. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1982. 219—220.
3Chase, Frederick. A History of Dartmouth College and theTown of Hanover N?w Hampshire (Vol. I) [M]. Cambridge: JohnWilson and Son, 1891. 11.
4Elliott, Edward C., Chambers, M. M. Charters and BasicLaws of Selected American Universities and Colleges[M]. New York:The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1934.176.
5An Act More Effectually to Define and Improve theCharitable Establishment Known by the Name of the President ofMoor's Charity School and the Powers and Duties of the PresidentThereof and to Constitute a Board to Assist in Directing theExpenditures of the Funds of Said School [A]. Laws of NewHampshire[C]. Bristol:Musgrove Printing House, 1916. 556—557.
6John Wheelock. Sketches of the History of DartmouthCollege and Moor's Charity School, with a Particular Account ofSome Late Remarkable Proceedings of the Board of Trustees,Fromthe Year 1779 to the Year 1815[M]. Hanover, 1815. 14—19.
7Hill, Issac. Dartmouth College [N]. New HampshirePatriot, May 23,1815.
8John Major Shirley. The Dartmouth College Causes and theSupreme Court of the United States [M]. Clark: The LawbookExchange, 2003. 9—10.
9An Act to Amend the Charter and Enlarge and Improve theCorporation of Dartmouth College [A]. Laws of New Hampshire (8)[C]. Concord: Evans Printing Co., 1920. 505—508.
10Henry J. Friendly. The Dartmouth College Case and thePublic-Private Penumbra [M]. Austin: Univereity of Texas, 1968.10—11.