相和歌是汉代一种民间歌曲 ,也是一种成熟的艺术形式 ,它对之后的相和大曲、清商乐的形成有直接的影响。而唐代大曲这种集诗、乐、舞于一体的艺术形式 ,虽然和汉代相隔久远 ,但却和相和大曲在曲式结构、表现形式等方面有异曲同工之妙。文章试图从相和歌到唐代大曲的发展过程中来发现它们一脉相承的关系。
The song of Xianghege , a folk song of the Han Dynasty and mature artsti c f orm ,had a direct influence upon the formation of Xianghe Daqu and Qingshangyue . Though Daqu of the Tang Dynasty,which was an artistc form consisting of the fe atur es of poem ,music and dance ,appeared much later after the Han Dynasty ,it produ ced the good effect with Xianghe Daqu in musical forms and manifestation.This a rt icle attempts to find out their successive features which may be traced to the s ame origin by analying the process of the development from Xianghege to Daqu of the Tang Dynasty.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)