
语音超文本系统中锚点标记方式的比较研究 被引量:1

A Comparative Study on the Styles of Audio Hyperlink Marking
摘要 近年来 ,语音超文本系统中超链接锚点的标记方式成为该研究领域的一个热点问题。笔者在设计参数优化基础上对语音超文本系统中常见的两种超链接锚点标记方式———言语相关标记与非言语相关标记进行比较研究 ,旨在为语音超文本界面中超链接锚点标记的设计提供适宜的参数。实验在模拟的语音超文本系统中进行 ,以链接词检测率、句子理解正确率和主观评价作为评价绩效的指标 ,结果发现 ,(1 )男女声变调的言语相关标记方式下对链接词的检测率和主观评价均优于全词标记和尾字标记两种非言语相关标记方式 ,但上述三种标记方式对句子理解均无显著影响 ;(2 )采用非言语相关标记时 ,链接词在句中的位置显著影响其检测率。根据上述结果 ,笔者推荐男女声变调标记可作为语音超文本链接词标记的首选方式。 With the creation of more and more audio hypertext systems, the issue of how to mark audio hyperlinks recently became a hot topic. After a brief introduction, a study was conducted to compare the effects of two styles of audio hyperlink marking,the speech related marking and the non speech related marking. The results, based on the criteria of the detectability, the comprehensibility and the subjective evaluation, showed that: (1) As far as the detectability and the subjective evaluation were concerned, the speaker changing method was superior to the character marking method and the whole word marking method, and there was no difference of comprehensibility among the three methods. (2) A serial position effect was found when the non speech related marking methods were used. Based on the results, the speaker changing marking method was the preferred method in the design of an audio hypertext system.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期1027-1031,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(2 0 0 0 0 3352 2 ) 浙江省自然科学基金(30 0 0 4 9) IBM中国研发中心项目资助
关键词 语音超文本系统 锚点标记方式 比较研究 语音超链接 言语相关标记 评价绩效 audio hypertext, audio hyperlink, speech related marking, non-speech-related marking
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