
词汇习得年龄和频率对词汇识别的影响 被引量:30

The Effect of Age of Word Acquisition and Frequency on the Identification of Chinese Double-Character Words
摘要 三个实验考察词汇习得年龄和频率在词汇识别中的作用。实验结果表明 :词汇习得年龄是影响汉语双字词词汇识别的重要因素 ,表现为早期习得的词汇比晚期习得的词汇更具有加工的优势。词汇习得年龄和频率独立地影响汉语双字词的识别过程 ,它们之间的效应是一种相加的关系。本研究还对词汇习得年龄效应的机制进行了讨论。 Three experiments were made to investigate the effects of the rated age of word acquisition (AoA) and word frequency on the identification of Chinese double character words. The results suggest that (1) AoA is an important factor that influences the recognition of Chinese double character words; (2) AoA and frequency independently affect the identification of Chinese double character words and their effects are additive; (3) the AoA effects may not only result from the phonological processing but also from the the semantic processing of words.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期1060-1064,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 北京市教育科学"十五"规划课题(批准号 :CBA0 30 2 5)的资助
关键词 词汇习得年龄 频率 词汇识别 AoA效应 现代汉语 影响因素 age of word acquisition, frequency, word identification
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