

Beliefs About the Origins of Traits
摘要 特质起源信念研究是近年来内隐特质信念研究的新热点。本研究选取 2 1 6名被试 (5岁、7岁、9岁、1 3岁、1 9岁、65岁组各 36名 )为样本 ,采用“出生时意外互换”故事法探查其特质起源信念 (天性信念或教养信念 )发展。结果表明 :(1 )特质类型方面 ,心理特质被认为比混合特质和生理特质更多受教养影响。 (2 )特质性质方面 ,消极特质被认为比积极特质更多受教养影响。 (3)特质起源信念年龄差异显著 ,7- 8岁是重要过渡期。 The research dealt with people's beliefs about the origins of traits. There were 216 subjects (5 years old, 7 years old, 9 years old, 13 years old, 19 years old and 65 years old, Ns =36, respectively) in the study. They listened to or read a series of stories about babies switched at birth, then predicted whether the switched at birth baby would be like his mother or his foster mother when he grew up. The conclusions were as follows: All groups gave more nurture explanations for psychological traits than to hybrid and physical traits, and gave more nurture explanations for negative traits than for positive traits. Age 7 to age 8 was the critical period for the development of belief about the origins of traits.
作者 宋耀武 齐冰
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期1275-1277,共3页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 特质起源信念 天性信念 教养信念 心理特质 生理特质 消极特质 积极特质 implicit trait beliefs, nature beliefs,nurture beliefs
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