邓小平依据中国改革开放的实际要求 ,结合党的德才兼备的干部标准和任人唯贤的干部路线 ,提出干部的“四化”方针及实现“四化”方针的原则和方法。江泽民的“三个代表”重要思想对干部“四化”方针从内涵及相互关系上作了进一步发展 ,并提出了新时期干部选拔的原则和方法 。
To meet the needs of opened China and its reform,in the light of the lines to use the cadres according to their abilty,political integrity merits,Deng Xiaoping put forward the policy of four requirements for the cadres and the principles and methods to realize this policy.The important thought of Comrade Jiang Zemin's Three Representations contributes to the further development of the policy of four requirements for cadres from the commutations to the inter relation of this policy,he also put forward the principles and methods for the selection of cadres in the new period,hence the enrichment and development of Deng Xiaoping's theory concerning the selection of cadres.
Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College