
失衡的重心——中国摇滚乐现状及问题所在 被引量:2

A Force Losing its Balance:The Status Quo and the Existing Problems of China's Rock-n-Roll Music
摘要 中国摇滚的十年,是"改革开放"的十年。先是披头士在国人耳中石破天惊,接着 是"滚石"、"猫王"、鲍伯·迪伦之类西方摇滚的先辈,令国人彻底开了耳荤。这些西方 五六十年代的著名乐队、乐人,在80年代孕育了真正意义上的中国第一代摇滚人。然而,80年代的中国社会,远没有西方二战后的闲适和宽松,可以说,以崔建为代表的第一代是顶着枪林弹雨突围的,并最终把理想主义与精神解放的旗帜插在中国摇滚贫瘠的土地上,他们成功了--解放的意义远胜于颠覆--这是摇滚之中国特色的成功,却也对无知的后继者产生了焉知非福的影响。 由于种种历史社会上的原因,摇滚乐在中国至尽仍是属于小众的。即使如此,它也没有像早期西方摇滚那样,显示出造就一个整体青年文化的趋势。这就导致了我们的社会对摇滚乐及"干摇滚的人"产生了太多误解,而培植了一个极度封闭的摇滚国。显然,这不是任何事物能够正常发展的规律。其次,摇滚人的低龄化走向也是个不小的问题。随着越来越多的国内乐队的组建,晃动在人们眼前的是越发幼稚的面孔。他们大都是高中生,还处于向成人世界的过渡期,大都心绪颇不平静,常常不知所云。因为所受的教育还不完全,他们干乐队、玩"地下"的目的,似乎只是为了比谁更狂更野更刺激。虽然这并不算错。 The decade of Rock-n-Roll in China is that of 'reforms and opening up'. At the beginning,it was the Beatles that struck the ears of the Chinese. Then the Western Rock-n-Roll pioneers such as Rolling Stone,Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan made the Chinese public completely aroused in their ears. These famous bands and musicians in the 50's and 60's helped to create the first generation of Chinese Rock-n-Roll musicians in the 80's. However,the Chinese society in the 80's was far from enjoying the laxity and comfort that the West had in the post-war era. The first generation represented by Cui Jian took the risk of attacks and restrains and finally succeeded in raising the flag of idealism and spiritual liberation on the barren land of Rock-n-Roll in China. This was the success of the Rock-n-Roll with Chinese characteristics,which has great impact upon the ignorant successors. Due to various social and historical reasons,Rock-n-Roll is only enjoyed in China by a small group of people. Unlike that of the West in the early period, it has not produced the tendency of bringing up a complete youth culture. This has resulted in the tremendous misunderstanding that our society has over the Rock-n-Roll and Rock-n-Roll musicians. Secondly,the young age of the Rock-n-Roll musicians is also a big matter. With the rapid creation of Rock-n-Roll bands in the country, more young faces of them are being found,many of whom are senior high school students just on the transitional stage of becoming adults. Being insufficient in education , they join the bands or play music 'underground'only for the purpose of seeking more excitement and fun. Although Rock-n-Roll itself is meant to release the too much hormone of the youth,it would come up with unexpected or even terrible results if somebody exploited the aspiration of the young people in order to create 'legends of stare'. A new generation of this kind would'die'even faster and more thoroughly than their predecessors. Then the dean end of China's Rock-n-Roll would be only a matter of time. Thirdly,Rock-n-Roll music composition in China has been always lacking firm basis,which is the core reason why up to today it has not ever publicized its own 'declaration of independence'. In China, Rock-n-Roll musicians are mostly young-aged students and the jobless. The sim-plicity and immaturity of the former lead to the shallowness and vagueness in their music while the poverty of the latter,which is no longer the catalyst of Rock-n-Roll music making in this century,can represent nothing but senselessness and backwardness.
作者 屈轶
出处 《人民音乐(评论)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第10期46-47,64,共3页 Peoples Music
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