190 1年创立的京师警务学堂是中国第一所近代警察教育机构 ,也是清末最大的警察教育基地。虽然京师警务学堂聘用了一批日本教习承担大部分的教学和教育行政管理工作 ,并由川岛浪速担任监督 (校长 ) ,但其主权仍掌握在清政府手中。作为中国最早的近代警察教育机构 ,京师警务学堂为清末各地警察学校的创办提供了可资借鉴的模式 ,对中国近代警察教育和警政建设产生了较大的影响。
The Beijing Police School founded in 1901 was China's first modern institution of police education and also the biggest center of police education in the late Qing period. Though the School hired some Japanese teachers to undertake most of the teaching and administrative work and appointed Kawashima as its director, it was still under the authority of the Qing government. As China's first modern police education institution, the School provided a useful pattern for the establishment of police schools in other areas in the late Qing period and exerted a great influence on China's modern police education and development.
Modern Chinese History Studies