Immediately after the September11th Attack,the US initiated the global anti-terrorism and since then on,Southeast Asia,which has200million Muslims,has become the”the second battlefield”of this war.Compared with the Philippines,Indonesia and Malaysia,Thailand is not so”seriously”affected,yet the situation there is not so optimistic or rather even getting worse.Therefore,this paper tries to give an account of the history of the terrorism in its southern part,of the links between the internal terrorist force and the external terrorist organizations,of the measures taken by its government to fight terˉrorism and the challenges the government has to face.
Immediately after the September11th Attack,the US initiated the global anti-terrorism and since then on,Southeast Asia,which has200million Muslims,has become the”the second battlefield”of this war.Compared with the Philippines,Indonesia and Malaysia,Thailand is not so”seriously”affected,yet the situation there is not so optimistic or rather even getting worse.Therefore,this paper tries to give an account of the history of the terrorism in its southern part,of the links between the internal terrorist force and the external terrorist organizations,of the measures taken by its government to fight terˉrorism and the challenges the government has to face.
Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies