
免疫乳中特异性抗体对3种细菌所致小鼠腹泻的被动免疫保护作用 被引量:3

Protective effects of IgG antibodies from Immune Milk against mice diarrhea induce by 3 Bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae
摘要 以9株人肠道病原菌(大肠杆菌3株、志贺氏菌3株、沙门氏菌3株)制备的混合抗原对孕牛进行系统免疫,以获得对人致病肠道杆菌具有特异性的牛乳抗体。其免疫初乳中针对9种致病肠道杆菌的特异性IgG效价为2^(11)~2^(12),为非免疫初乳的128~256倍;免疫常乳中针对9种致病肠道杆菌的特异性IgG效价为2~6~2~8,为非免疫常乳的16~64倍。动物实验表明,免疫初乳及效价为1:64的免疫常乳对肠产毒性大肠杆菌、鼠伤寒沙门菌、福氏志贺菌所致小鼠腹泻均有保护作用,这是由免疫乳中特异性IgG所决定的。 Objective: Selecting 3 strains pathogenic E. coli, 3 strains Salmonella and 3 strains Shigella as antigens to make the mixed vaccine, and gestation cows were immunized systemically. We can prepare immune milk with 9 milk antibodies. The antibody titers against 9 pathogenic bacteria in immune colostrums were 2^(11)~2^(12), 128~256 folds of control regular colostrums. The antibody titers against 9 pathogenic bacteria in immune milk were 2~6~2~8, 16~64 folds of control regular milk. Comparing to the regular milk, the specific IgG isolated from immune milk could protect mice from diarrhea challenged with 3 bacteria of Enterobacte.
出处 《新疆畜牧业》 2004年第5期43-45,共3页
关键词 免疫乳 特异性抗体 小鼠腹泻 被动免疫保护 免疫效价 immune milk milk antibody mice diarrhea passive immune protection
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