通过对安钢 6号高炉炉底温度急剧上升的分析 ,找出主要原因 :风口大量漏水 ,萤石频繁洗炉和硫磺控制偏高 ,炉底局部砌筑质量不高。采取了加强炉底冷却及维护 ,调整高炉操作方针 ,炉底灌浆措施 。
Through the analysis of the quick rise of the bottom temperature of No.6 BF at Angang Steel,We found the main reasons: a great deal of water leakage at the tuyere ,frequent erosion of the BF with fluorite and more sulphur than usual, the laying at the bottom doesn't fulfil the quality requirement .We strengthen the cooling of the bottom and maintenance ,adjusting the BF operation and grouting to the bottom ,and got the better result.
Henan Metallurgy