本文从工程实际出发,对一种塔式建筑采用了新型的结构转换层形式,采用外墙加腋的方法处理节点,针 对该转换层节点中的一些不确定性的因素,目前结构设计人员不是很清楚它的受力机理,对它的安全性表示怀疑,因此本 文使用有限元软件对这种转换层的节点进行了分析,论证了这种结构的可行性和合理性,为以后的工程设计人员提供了一 种新的工程设计方案,使该结构轻便,增加了建筑的使用净高,节约了材料,是一种安全经济有效的结构形式。
The thesis adopts a new type of transfer story to a kind of tower buildings in view of real engineer.because transfer member exits some unknown things,now the structure designers don't know it's mechanism,and suspect it's safety, so the thesis makes use of finite element software to analysis the transfer story's ctitical ,iuncture,proving this structure is feasible and reasonable.it provides a new type of engineer design's way.what's more,,it makes the structure fell portable,adds applying height and economizes materials.it is a kinds of safe and economic structure.
Science Mosaic