目的 测定使用AB 8型大孔树脂后三七提取物中 7种有机溶剂残留物。方法 采用顶空气相色谱法 ,对正己烷、苯、甲苯、对二甲苯、邻二甲苯、苯乙烯、二乙烯苯 7种残留物进行检测。结果 精密度 RSD 均小于 6 .5 % ,峰面积与浓度均有良好的线性关系 ,最低检测限均在 170ng·ml-1以下 ,回收率均符合要求。结论 方法稳定、操作简便、准确可靠 ,适用于使用AB 8型大孔树脂后三七提取物中 7种苯系列残留物的检测。
Aim To establish a method for detecting benzene series residues from AB-8 macroreticular resin in radix notoginseng extraction.Methods Headspace GC was used to determine residues in radix notoginseng extraction.Results RSD of precision were all less than 6.5%.There was favorable linearity relation between peak area and concentration.Conclution The method is simple and accurate for the detection of residues.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army