
寻找丢失的人格——从罗马、德国、拉丁法族国家、前苏联、俄罗斯到中国 被引量:63

Searching for the Lost Personality——From Rome, Germany, Countries of Latin Law Family, the Soviet, Russia Till China
摘要  人格即法律主体资格。在罗马法中,人格———身份具有公私法混杂的特征;在近代欧洲大陆国家开始的法典化过程中,拉丁法族国家民法中的人格一词,依然包含公法因素,而德国法则创造权利能力概念取代人格,试图将人格私法化,但这样做却丢失了人格;前苏联民法中,人格则具有主体性要素之法律保护意义上的人格权,知识产权中的人格权,法人的人格权三种含义;新制定的俄罗斯民法典则回归到传统的主体资格意义上的人格概念。在我国民法典制定时,应恢复传统意义上的人格。 Personality is the qualification of civil subject. In Roman law, personality or capacity boasts of the hybrid feature of public law and private law. In the process of codification of European countries in modern times, the term of personality in the countries of Latin law family still included the public law factors; whereas, German law created the definition of legal capacity instead of personality, attempting to make personality privatize; in the civil law of the Soviet, personality contains the following personal rights, namely, the personal right having subjective factors in the sense of legal protection, the personal right in intellectual property right and the personal right of legal person The definition of personal right newly-made Russian Civil Code has returned to the traditional definition in the sense of the subject qualification. While making the China's civil code, we shall recover personality in its traditional sense.
作者 徐国栋
机构地区 宁波大学法学院
出处 《法律科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期71-79,共9页 Law Science (Journal of Northwest Institute University of Politics and Law)
关键词 人格 人格权 主体资格 民事主体 民法 身份权 罗马法 德国 私法化 中国 personality personal right qualification of subject civil subject
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  • 1Robert A·Pascal, A Report on the Civil Code Revision Project, In Tulane Law Review, Vd. 25, P. 207.
  • 2Cfr. Adriano Cavanna, Storia del Diritto Modemo in Europa, Giuffre, Milano, 1982,P363.
  • 3Cfr. Bemardo Windscheid, Diritto delle Pandette(Vol. 1), trad. it. di Carlo Fadda e Paolo Emilio Benin , UTET, Torino,1925,P41.
  • 4Cfr. Guido Alpa, Status e Capacita, Editori Laterza, Bari, 1993,P139.
  • 5Cfr. L. Bigliazzi Geri et al. , Diritto Civile, 1, Norme soggetti e rapporto giuridico, UTE'T, Torino, 1987, P13. Anche si vedi Nuovo Dizionario Giuridico, a cura di Federico del Giudice, Edizione Simone, Napoli, 1998, la voce di diritto civile.
  • 6Véase Jorge Joaquin Llambias, Tratado de Drecho Civil, Parte General, tomo I, Editorial Perrot, Buencxs Aires, 1997, P. 40.
  • 7Cfr. Adriano De Cupis, Istituzioni di Diritto Privato, Giuffre, Milano, 1983, P. 30.
  • 8Cfr. Diritto Civile, Istituzioni di Diritto Privato, Edizione Simone, 1993, P. 42.
  • 9Roger Houin, op. cit. , P. 11.
  • 10Albert H. Y. Chen, The Rim of Right: Some Comparative Civilizational Reflections, In Challenges to Law at the End of the20th Century(Ⅲ), Cooperativa Libreria Universltaria Editrice Dologna, 1995, P. 64.












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