
台湾西南山麓带新近纪螃蟹化石之研究 被引量:1

摘要 描述螃蟹化石 2 9种 ,包括 :2新种 ,3种以化石形态新出现的现生种及已知种 2 4种。新种 :Randalliajingomaosp .nov .,Ommatocarcinussankueisp .nov .;新以化石形态出现的现生种 :Raniliamisakiensis (Sakai) ,LeucosiaobtusifronsdeHaan ,MacrophthalmusconvexusStimpson。 2 9种螃蟹化石之大部分出现于台南玉井附近六重溪层 ,少数种出现于嘉义、内埔、中埔六重溪层 ,尚有 1或 2种出现于南投中寮附近石门层、深坑层及高雄大冈山石灰岩。地质时代由中中新世至上新世。 The present report describes 29 species of crab fossils. They are 2 new species, 3 living fossils, and 24 species published elsewhere by Hu and Tao (1996, 2000). The new and the living fossil species are: Randallia jingomao, sp. nov., Ommatocarcinus sankuei sp. nov., Ranilia misakiensis (Sakai), Leucosia obtusifrons de Haan, and Maerophthalmus convexus Stimpson. The studied material were collected from Yunlin, Nantou, Chiayi, Tainan and Kaohsung Prefectures. Their lithostratigraphic units are: Kuechulin, Shihemen, Shingken, Leuchung-Chi, Kanshialio, and Takangshan limestone and formations. Their geologic age rangs from middle Miocene to Pleistonce and the strata are serially distributed from north to southern of South-Western Foot-hills of Taiwan.
出处 《古生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期537-555,共19页 Acta Palaeontologica Sinica
关键词 台湾省 西南山麓带 螃蟹 化石 中中新世-上新世 Crabs, Neogene, Taiwan
  • 相关文献


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