目的 探讨 p16和Cyclin D1(CD1) 异常表达与鼻咽癌发生、发展的相关性。方法 以免疫组化法,对60例鼻咽癌患者(25例治疗前已远处转移,13例放疗后远处转移,22例放疗后6年以上无瘤生存)治疗前的癌组织和22例非癌鼻咽部炎症组织,进行p16和CD1蛋白表达的检测。结果 ① 癌组织中p16蛋白阴性表达与 CD1蛋白阳性表达有显著相关性( P < 0.05);② 炎症组织p16阴性表达和CD1阳性表达, 均明显低于鼻咽癌各组治疗前组织(P < 0.01);③治疗前NPC组织的p16和CD1的异常表达,在治疗前远处转移组与治疗后远处转移组之间对比,在治疗后远处转移组与治疗后未发生转移组之间对比,差异均无显著性(P >0.05); ④鼻咽癌组织不同临床分期的p16和 CD1表达异常的差异均无显著性(P > 0.05)。结论 p16与CD1蛋白异常表达与鼻咽癌的发生有关,均属于鼻咽癌发生的早期事件。这种异常表达可能与鼻咽癌的病情发展无明显相关性。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the potentialcorrelation between abnormal expression of pl6 ,CyclinD1 (CD1) and the occurrence, development of the na-sopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). METHODS Protein ex-pression of p16 and CD1 was detected with immunohis-tochemistry staining in untreated carcinoma tissuesamples from 60 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)cases. In 25 of 60 cases, the distant metastasis wasfound before radiotherapy, and in 13 cases the same werefound only after radiotherapy. The other 22 cases werealive with no evidence of disease for over 6 years afterradiotherapy. As control group, 22 inflammation sampleswere performed with the same staining method of na-sopharyngeal cancer tissue. RESULTS ①Negative ex-pression of p16 was significantly correlated to positiveexpression of CD1(P < 0.05); ②Negative expression ofp16 and positive expression of CD1 were significantlylower in the inflammation tissue samples than that inuntreated NPC tissue samples (P < 0.01). ③In distantmetastasis groups, no significant difference could be foundin the abnormal expression of p16 and CD1 between groupsmetastasis before and after radiotherapy (P > 0.05). Thesame result can be seen between the groups with andwithout distant metastasis after radiotherapy. ④In groupsat different clinical stages, no significant difference couldbe seen in abnormal expression of p16 and CD1(P > 0.05).CONCLUSION Abnormal expression of p16 and CD1 areproved as a early event of NPC occurrence, and show nocorrelation to the NPC development.[
Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery