目的 :评价经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 (PCI)对冠心病慢性闭塞病变伴侧支循环形成左心室收缩功能不全患者的收缩功能的改善作用。方法 :选择我院 2 0 0 1 - 0 1~ 2 0 0 3 - 1 2经冠脉造影证实慢性冠脉闭塞病变伴侧支循环形成且左心室收缩功能不全的患者 3 6例 ,心功能 NYHA分级为 ~ 级 ,行 PCI 3 0例 ,成功 2 4例列为再通组 ,未成功的 6例与未行 PCI 6例共 1 2例列为未通组 ,两组进行临床及二维超声心动图 (2 DE)检查 ,评价 PCI对左心室收缩功能的改善作用。结果 :与术前相比 ,2 4例血运再通组患者临床症状及左心室收缩功能 (L VEF)较前改善 ,3个月时改善更明显 ,与未通组相比 ,左心室收缩功能 (L VEF)的改变亦呈现显著性变化。结论 :PCI能够改善左心室收缩功能不全患者心衰症状及左心室收缩功能。
Objective:To evaluate the effect of percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)on improvenent of left ventricular systolic function in patients with chronic total occlusion(CTO)and collateral circulation and left ventricular dysfunction.Methods:From January 2001 to December 2003,36 patients with chronic total occlusion and collateral cirulation and left ventricular dysfuction by coronary artery angiography were enrolled in this study. 30 cases were treated by PCI, in which 24 successful cases were listed as relink group,6 unsuccessful cases and 6 not PCI′s cases were listed as non-link group.The two dimensional echocardiography(2DE) was performed on each patients before and after PCI.Results:The clinical symptoms and the LVEF of the 24 successful cases were better than those before PCI, and three months later the improvenent became much more apparent. Compared with the non-link group, the LVEF also improved apparently.Concluison:The patients with left ventriculas dysfunction and CTO and collateral circulation could get benefit from PCI.
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Chronic total occlusion(CTO)
Left ventricular systolie function