
虚拟参照点的梯级含义功能 被引量:2

The Scalar Implicatures of Counterfactual Reference Points
摘要 Coulson(2001)研究了虚拟条件句的梯级含义功能。本文以她的研究为契机,认为某些夸张言语也可以从梯级含义的视角来进行研究。在某些夸张言语中,讲话人通过设置虚拟参照点的方法来传递他关于目标点的命题含义。虚拟参照点在言语交际中能够发挥重要的语用功能。先介绍梯级含义的推导方法,然后论述虚拟参照点的梯级含义功能,具体分析高、低级虚拟参照点与肯定、否定命题在夸张言语中的组合情况,揭示虚拟参照点的某些语用功能,最后解析讲话人在构建虚拟参照点时所使用的认知方法。 This paper, based on Coulson's (2001) framework which applies the scalar model to the analyses of counterfactual conditionals, proposes that the implicatures of some hyperboles be investigated in a similar vein. In some hyperboles, statements that concern a counterfactual reference point of the pragmatic scale implicate propositions about the target point. After introducing the methods of deriving scalar implicature, this paper explains the scalar implicature of the counterfactual reference point and the combinations between polarity items and negative and positive propositions, and explores the pragmatic functions of the counterfactual reference points and the cognitive strategies in making counterfactual hyperboles.
作者 郎天万 蒋勇
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 2004年第6期78-83,共6页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 虚拟思维 虚拟参照点 梯级含义 存在巨链 counterfactual thinking counterfactual reference point scalar implicature The Great Chain of Being
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