清乾嘉时期杰出的史学家王鸣盛的历史地理考证成就卓著 ,方法精当 ,既有严谨的治学态度指导下的细密考证 ,更有综合、归纳、概括和提高的分析研究。尤其可贵的是王鸣盛把历史地理的考证与总结历史上的治乱兴衰结合起来 ,故此重视研究地理条件在王朝盛衰中所起的作用 ,研究人地辩证关系与王朝之兴亡、都城迁徙与中国历史大势之变迁等问题。以上诸项 ,充分体现了他经世致用的治史旨趣和理性探求精神 ,迄今仍具有重要的学术价值和方法论上的启迪意义 ,值得我们珍视和总结。
Wang Ming-sheng, one of the most outstanding historians in the period from Qian l ong to Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty, was good at textual research about historical ge ography. Having done detailed textual research, he generalized some laws with th e rigorous approaching attitude, accurate methods and synthetical analysis. What 's the most important is that he studied textual research in historical geograph y area combined with the summing-up of the ebb and flow in Chinese history. Fur t hermore, it was very important for him to discuss the function of geographical c ondition on the rise and decline of dynasties in every era, to argue the influen ce of the dialectic relation to the human beings and geographical factors on the rise and fall of every dynasty in ancient China, and to study the move of Chine se ancient capital cities how to affect the changes of Chinese historical tenden cy. All of those not only completely embodied the idea that the purport of study ing history was to reform society, but also reflected the spirit that he sought after truth in a rational way. Because of the vital academic importance and meth odological enlightenment, it is worth of being cherished and generalized up to n ow.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
福建三明学院科研课题资助项目 (A0 30 7)。
Wang Ming-sheng,Shi Qi Shi Shang Que,E Shu Bi an, textual research about historical geographical