集体安全的构想在理论上描绘了国际社会的一种理想状态 ,但作为这一理论在当代最重要的实践 ,联合国的有效性一直难以充分发挥。其中原因既在于集体安全的理论局限 ,又与联合国运行机制密切相关 ,更离不开国际关系中权力政治的现实制约。具体看来 ,联合国框架内的集体安全机制主要受制于七对内外矛盾 。
In theory, the concept of collective security portrays an ideal state of international community. However, as the most important form of realization of this theory nowadays, the UN finds it difficult to give full play to its effectiveness. The reason lies in the limitation of the collective security theory itself, the operation regime of the UN, as well as, the restrain of power politics in international relations. Specifically speaking, the collective security regime within the UN framework is mainly restrained by seven pairs of contradiction, both internal and external, which is the direct manifestation of the limitation of the collective security theory.
International Forum