现金流量是以现金为基础编制的反映企业一定期间由现金信息的动态系统。对现金流量表的比率分析能够反映企 业的支付能力、偿债能力、各种财务能力的质量和社会贡献能力等指标对现金流量表的比率分析,可以从不同的角度掌握、分 析企业的盈余能力,预测投资风险。
With the Introduction of Definition of Efinition of Cash Flow Statment, Objective of Cach Flow Statement, Service Object of Cash Flow Statement, The Thesis Makes a Discussion on Analysis of Cash Flow Statements Rate. According to the Aanalysis of Liquidity,Slovency,the Quality of Different Financial Capability, Contribution Capability to Society of Eneter Prise, It Introduces the analysis mothods and purpose of concrete financial indicators, In order to enable different users to have a general undertanding and e-valuate the alility of the enterprise to generate cash equivalents and,raccordingly, to forecast the risk of investment.
Economy and Management