
揭开世界性系统农牧渔业基因组研究的序幕 被引量:4

An International Campaign For Agricultural and Livestock Genomics (CALG)
摘要 以基因组测序为先导的农牧渔业系统基因组学研究是一项需要国际间进行协同攻关和紧密合作的重大项目计划。这种以应用为目的的基础科学研究项目无论是对发达国家还是对发展中国家而言都是非常重要和必要的。然而,我们必须清醒地意识到,当人类基因组和其他许多同人类健康相关的基因组以及一些模式生物基因组已经或即将被测序时,重要的农作物、牲畜、水产品基因组所受到的重视还远远不够。虽然我们正面对诸如政策制订、资金申请、地方发展重点、研究团体共识及技术革新等多方面的问题和挑战,人们还是提出了许多有关大规模测序及其投资收益的倡议或计划。由于大规模测序即全基因组鸟枪法(whole Genome Shotgun or WGS)所产生的序列草图能覆盖整个基因组95%至99%的区域,从基因组草图中识别的基因连带其他资源比如分子标记、大片段插入克隆和CDNA序列的知识,为农牧渔业和环境生物学提供了丰富的信息和大量的工具。一旦这项重大计划得以实施并取得成功,所有国家的分子生物学家、遗传学家、实验生物学家,无论富裕或贫穷,都将站在同一科学起点上,基础基因组学信息的又一次大爆发将使我们的生活和环境拥有一个更美好的未来。我们热切呼吁全世界的各个研究基金会,也呼吁各个国家和国际政府机构与组织共同支持这? A coordinated international effort to sequence agricultural and livestock genomes has come to its time. While human genome and many other genomes related to human health and basic biological interests of many model organisms have been sequenced or plugged in the sequencing pipelines, a-gronomically important crop and livestock genomes have not been given to a high enough priority. Although we are facing many challenges in policy-making, grant funding, regional task emphasis , research community consensus and technology innovations, many initiatives are being announced and formulated based on the cost-effective and large-scale sequencing procedure, known as whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing that produces draft sequences covering a genome from. 95% to 99% . I- dentified genes from such draft genome, coupled with other resources, such as molecular markers, large-insert clones and cDNA sequences, provide ample information and tools to further our knowledge in agricultural and environmental biology in the genome era that just comes to its accelerated period. If the campaign succeeds , molecular biologists, geneticists and field biologists from all countries , rich or poor, would be brought to the same starting point and expect another astronomical increase of basic genomic information , ready to convert effectively the information into knowledge that will ultimately change our lives and environment into a greater and better future. We call upon attentions from national and international governmental agencies and organizations as well as research foundations to support this unprecedented movement.
出处 《世界科技研究与发展》 CSCD 2003年第6期28-34,共7页 World Sci-Tech R&D
关键词 基因组学 基因组测序 农牧渔业系统 基因组草图 克隆 世界性 international, agriculture and livestock , genomics , systematic research
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