The regional observed temperature and precipitation changes and their abruptjumps disturbed by large-scale reclamation in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China were studied. Meanannual temperature of the region was tending to go up and has increased by 1.2-2.2℃ over the past50 years. A warming jump of mean annual temperature of the region occurred in the 1980s, which hadan increasg amplitude of 0.9℃. Linear tendency rates of annual precipitation were negative in mostof the region. The maximum of annual precipitation decrease was 155.8mm over the past 50 years. Anabrupt decrease of regional annual precipitation happened in the middle of the 1960s, which had adecrease of 102.1mm. Based on the fact of climatic change of the Sanjiang Plain over the past 50years, it is held that the region had larger warming amplitude than that of the surrounding areas inthe recent years, which resulted from the large-scale reclamation of various kinds of wetlands.
The regional observed temperature and precipitation changes and their abrupt jumps disturbed by large-scale reclamation in the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China were studied. Mean annual temperature of the region was tending to go up and has increased by 1.2-2.2℃ over the past 50 years. A warming jump of mean annual temperature of the region occurred in the 1980s,which had an increase amplitude of 0.9℃. Linear tendency rates of annual precipitation were negative in most of the region. The maximum of annual precipitation decrease was 155.8mm over the past 50 years. An abrupt decrease of regional annual precipitation happened in the middle of the 1960s,which had a decrease of 102.1mm. Based on the fact of climatic change of the Sanjiang Plain over the past 50 years,it is held that the region had larger warming amplitude than that of the surrounding areas in the recent years,which resulted from the large-scale reclamation of various kinds of wetlands.
Undertheauspicesofthe KnowledgeInnovationProgramofChineseAcademyofSciences(No.KZCX2-SW-320-5,KZCX2-SW-118andKZCX3-SW-NA-03)