介绍了中国美术馆照明改造方案的试验研究和改造后的实际照明效果。本文共分七个部分:(1) 前言;(2) 改造前的采光照明状况和存在问题;(3) 国内外美术馆和博物馆采光照明的调研;(4) 照明改造方案的研究和确定;(5) 照明方案的模型试验;(6) 照明改造后的测量与主观评价;(7) 结论。
The overall experimental research and the lighting: effect after the reform on the China Art Gallery were briefly presented. The paper consists of following 7 parts. (1) Introduction; (2) Daylighting and artificial lighting condition before the reform; (3) The investigation and survey on the Art Galleries and Museums daylighting and artificial lightings at home and abroad; (4) Decision on the lighting reform scheme; (5) Model experiment; (6) The measurement and subjective evaluation after lighting reform; (7) Conclusion.
Building Science