民以食为天,转基因食品作为新型食品,其是否安全始终是人们关注的焦点,如今甚至到了谈虎色变的地步! 其到底有无危害呢,这首先需知道什么是转基因食品! 狭义上说,通过基因工程手段将一种或几种外源性基因转移至某种特定生……
Nowadays, magazine, newspaper, internet are filled with many articles which contradicted each other on the pros and cons of developing GM foods. People have been confused on this new outcome, even scared. Actually, it has not been proved that GM food is harmful definitely to human's health. But out of all the mess, one thing is clear: whether you like it or not, the GM food issue is getting more and more attention because it is or it soon will so important to everyone's life.
China Food Industry