室内饲养地中海蟋蟀(Gryllus bimaculatus De Gccr)雄性成虫,解剖出侧体(CA)离休培养、测定其保幼激素Ⅲ(JH)的生物合成率。未交配和交配两组处理结果表明:成虫羽化后2天JH Ⅲ的生物合成率均达到最高峰,但交配组雄虫的生物合成率约是未交配组的2倍;羽化2天后,未交配雄成虫JH Ⅲ的生物合成率平稳下降,而交配过的雄成虫有一段时间JHⅢ生物合成率有起伏。成虫羽化后的4天内血淋巴中JHⅢ的滴定度与CA离体培养的JHⅢ的生物合成率相近。心侧体-咽侧体(CC-CA)-复合体与分离的脑一起培养,_羽化后2天JHⅢ生物合成率下降24%。8天下降45%;完整的脑-CC-CA-复合体培养,羽化后2天和8天,均下降95%。
An age-dependent time course in the in vitro rate of juvenile hormone Ⅲ (JH Ⅲ) biosynthesis is followcd by corpora allata (CA) from mated and unmated adult males of Gryllus bimaculatus. Both groups display a pcak of JH Ⅲ production on day 2 after the imaginal moult, with the peak rate in paired males reaching about double that of unmated animals. The JH Ⅲ synthesis then de clincs stcadily in unmated malcs, while in mated males additional phases of elevated rates occur. The JH Ⅲ titer in the hacmolymph (as measured by radioimmuno assay) parallels the JH Ⅲ biosynthesis rate for the first 4 days of adult life. Male CA, completely deprived of nervous connections during incubation or incubated togcthcr with separated brain or as intact brain-corpora cardiaca (CC)-CA complexes, always show diminishcd biosynthcsio activity compared to CC-CA controls. In intact brain-CC-CA complexes, a 95% reduction of JH Ⅲ biosynthesis is observed.
Jiangsu Agricultural Research
Gryllus testaceus
Corpus cardiacum
Corpus allatum
Juveailc hormone+biasynthcsis/Gryllus bimaculatus
Juvenile hormone Ⅲ biasynthesis
Methyl farnesoate