MOTO小花生 摩托罗拉C250
摩托罗拉于近日发布了其一系列面向低端的手机产品,其中包括C550、C450、C250、V150以及C343,除了V150为翻盖机型以外,其余均为直板设计。 在这些手机中C250的造型最为可爱。
Digital Communications and Networks
1Albillos A,Colombato LA,Enriquea R, et al. Sequence of morphological and hemodynamic changes of gastric microvessels in portal hypertension. Gastroenterology, 1992,102:2066-2070.
2Burak KW, Lee SS, Beck PL. Portal hypertensive gastropathy and gastric antral vascular ectasia ( GAVE ) syndrome. Gut, 2001,49 :866-872.
3Toyonaga A, lwao T. Portal-hypertensive gastropathy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 1998,13:865-877.
4Zoli M, Merkel C, Magalotti D, et al. Evaluation of a new endoscopic index to predict first bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology, 1996,24 : 1047-1052.
5Kitano S, Dolgor B. Does portal hypertension contribute to the pathogenesis of gastric ulcer associated with liver cirrhosis? J Gastroen-tero1,2000 ,35 :79-86.
6Dagher L, Burroughs A. Variceal bleeding and portal hypertensive gastropathy. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2001,13:81-88.
7de la Pena J, Rivero M, Sanchez E, et al. Variceal ligation compared with endoscopic sclerotherapy for variceal hemorrhage: prospective randomized trial. Gastrointest Endosc, 1999,49:417-423.
8Nakayama M, lwao T, Oho K, et al. Role of extravariceal collateral channels in the development of portal-hypertensive gastropathy before and after selerotherapy. J Gastroenterol, 1998,33 : 142-146.
9Tomikawa M, Akiba Y, Kaunitz JD, et al. New insights into impairment of mucosal defense in portal hypertensive gastric mucosa. J Gastrointest Surg ,2000,4:458-463.
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2不锈钢纤薄 Nokia 6300[J].中国服装(北京),2007(04X).
8音乐随我行 三诺-C550数码耳机播放器[J].数字生活,2011(4):92-92.
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