190 0年夏天 ,华北某些地区的基督教社群组织了教会武装 ,与义和团发生了多次武装冲突。从某种意义上看 ,他们的武装活动是这一地区历史悠久的集体性暴力活动的组成部分。外国传教士利用不平等条约赋予的特权地位 ,领导基督教社群最大化地获取并控制各种资源。作为乡村精英的传教士 ,在天主教社群面临危难的时刻 ,组织教徒武装 ,度过了义和团的风暴。义和团高潮时期天主教社群的武装防御活动 。
In the summer of 1900 some Christian communities in North China set up their own armed forces; armed conflicts occurred between these forces and the Yihetuan Movement. In a sense the Christian armed activities were a part of the culture of mass violence in this area that had a long history. Taking advantage of prerogatives granted them under the unequal treaties, foreign missionaries and the Christian communities under their leadership tried to maximize their control of a variety resources. When these communities were faced with danger the missionaries as the elite of rural areas organized the followers into armed groups and the communities tided over the storm of the Yihetuan Movement. The armed defense of the Christian communities at the peak of Boxer Uprising was a result of the combination of internal environment and external factors.
Historical Research