
关于外文字母词和原装外文缩略语问题 被引量:112

Remarks on “Words with Foreign Letters” and English Abbreviations in Written and Spoken Chinese
摘要 所谓汉语字母词应该称为外文字母词语或带外文字母的词语 ,因为这些字母都是外文字母 ,不是汉语拼音字母。现在直接使用英文字母缩略语的风气越演越烈 ,在精通外语的专业人员中使用这一类带有外文字母的词语 ,甚至原装的外文字母缩略语 ,直到使用一时用汉语难以表达的外语外文 ,无可厚非。但是在完全可以用汉语表达的场合 ,面向广大不懂外语的群众 ,动不动就说上几句洋话 ,而且还往往语音不正 ,是地道的洋泾浜。目前这种滥用外文词语的现象当然是跟改革开放以来很多人一下子看到我们在经济、生活质量等等方面和国外的巨大差距而处处产生一种自卑感 ,直到鄙弃自己中国人的身份和祖国的语言 ,竭力想冒充“洋鬼子”的社会思潮分不开的。语言学家可以批评这种不正常的语言现象 ,国家语言文字的职能部门也可以进行必要的干预 ,但是只要存在这种社会思潮 ,这种现象即使强制禁止 。 In recent years,a considerable number of words with foreign letters,such as “X 光(guang)',“γ 射线(shexian)',etc.and English abbreviations such as “WTO',“CDMA',etc.have kept cropping up in Chinese newspapers and other publications,and on radio and television.Ordinary Chinese people are of course not able to understand what they mean,even are not able to guess what they mean from the context.Linguists divide widely in opinion as to these linguistic phenomena.Some of them strongly criticized the unnecessary introduction of foreign words into Chinese which have very good Chinese equivalents already in use. One non linguist,worried by such a linguistic trend,condenmed it as a token of colonial mentality in national culture.However,some of them supported the introduction of these foreign words into Chinese and praised it as a step forward towards globalism,and others called these bizare alien words or expressions “Chinese lettered words',as if these English or other foreign letters were ordinary Chinese letters,and ordinary Chinese people could or should understand them as easily as other newly coined Chinese words with Chinese morphemes or root words. The wirter of this paper is of the opinion that neither support for or opposition to the introduction of these words with foreign letters and English abbreviations on the side of linguists or of state authorities in charge of language and writing will have any substantial influence on it,and the direction of linguistic trend can be only decided by the destiny of the nation and the country concerned.
作者 胡明扬
出处 《语言文字应用》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期98-101,共4页 Applied Linguistics
关键词 汉语字母词 外文字母词语 外文缩略语 Chinese lettered words foreign letters English abbreviations
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