1Amelia Porges, The New Dispute Settlement:from the GATT to the WTO. Practising Law Institute Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, PLI Order No. BO - 003W, September, 1998, p. 1097.
2John H. Jackson, Introduction and Overview. Symposium on the First Three Years of the WTO Dispute Settlement System. International Lawyer,Fall, 1998, p.613.
3Robert E. Hudec, The New WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure: An Overview of the First Three Years. Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, Winter, 1999, p.5.
4Ramon R. Gupta, Appellate Body Interpretation of the WTO Agreement: A Critique in Light of Japan - Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages. Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, July, 1997, p.687.
5Andreas F. Lowenfeld, Remedies Along with Rights:Institutional Reform in the New GAIT. 88 Am. J. Int'J L. 477,479 (1994).
6Kim Rubenstein and Jenny Schultz, Bringing Law and Order to International Trade:Administrative Law Principles and the GATT/WTO. Saint John' s Journal of Legal Commentary, Spring, 1996, pp. 303 - 304.
7Jonathan C. Spierer, Dispute Settlement Understanding: Developing A Firm Foundation for Implementation of the World Trade Organization. Suffolk Transnational Law Review, Winter, 1998, pp.94-95, 100.