英语语法和修辞中的“规范”、“描写”和“认知”途径既是语言不同发展时期的要求和反映 ,也表现了人与语言之间的协调关系。结合“认知”研究语法和修辞 ,目的在于扩大视野 ,加深认识 ,以提高对语言的理解能力和使用水平。本文主要有两个方面的内容 :一是回顾英语语法和修辞教学和研究中从以“规范”为主到以“描写”为主的发展概况 ,二是对结合“认知”途径开展研究的一些初步想法。
The paper consists of two aspects: 1) to outline the shift of emphasis in the studies of English grammar and rhetoric from the prescriptive approach to the descriptive and now cognitive approaches;and 2) to apply some of the studies of English grammar and rhetoric so as to improve our teaching and learning of the two subjects and to acquire a good command of the English language.
Foreign Languages Research