“9. 11”袭击事件及其后续发展对南亚的地区安全产生了重要影响 ,印度与巴基斯坦间的争端成为美国在阿富汗的反恐怖主义战略必须考虑的重点。随着印度遭到两次严重恐怖袭击 ,印度进行了大规模军事调动准备报复 ,印巴对抗的升级和核冲突的危险使克什米尔问题再度成为全球关注的热点。由于印巴两国在克什米尔问题上立场不同 ,南亚的反恐怖主义成为一个错综复杂的难题。近期在印度的压力和国际社会促使下 ,巴采取了积极措施打击国内教派极端主义和越界恐怖主义势力 ,骤然变化的局势也为印巴之间采用政治方式解决克什米尔问题提供了难得的机会。
Anti-terrorism in South Asia has become a complex and thorny problem with India being twice raided by terrorists seriously. The Pakistani government, however, has taken certain active measures to strike the Muslim communal extremists under the pressure of India and the international community, that has provided a rare chance for a political solution of the Kashmir issue.
South Asian Studies Quarterly