This paper examines judgement in WH-questions from the perspectives of logic and pragmat-ics. It asserts that when shui / shenme (谁/什么) appear at the beginning of a sentence and actas the subject, shui / shenme and the object of shi (是) have an identical relationship, and an i-dentical relationship can also exist between two different things, as well as between a certain con-cept and a certain category of thing. This 'identical relationship' sometimes has a 'distinguish-ing' function, and sometimes simultaneously has an 'explaining' function which is based uponthe 'distinguishing' function. When shui / shenme appears at the end of a sentence and acts asthe object of 'shi', the subject of the sentence and shui / shenme have a 'member of category'and 'category' relationship, which can also be an identical relationship. However, no matterwhat the relationship, the meaning of the sentence tends to be explanatory narrative, and givesthe speaker scope to express his/her point of view.
Studies of the Chinese Language